Prized Spirit (Mimi) waits patiently for her turn to stretch her legs on the main track at Woodbine. See the short video clip below.
We also watched It's a Fluke exercise on the training track. There's a short clip of him having his 'bath' afterwards (see below).
Good news! I've finished the first draft of book 6 in my Meg Sheppard Mystery Series. I'm looking forward to editing it (several times!). The title is (subject to change!) Love and Death.
This is a very short story that I wrote during a ten-minute on-the-spot writing challenge at an Uxbridge Writers' Circle meeting several years ago. I've cheated a little - I've given it a couple of tweaks! But it's the same story. I hope you enjoy it.
The prompt for the challenge was a picture of a teddy bear.
Teddy Bear
Bev clutched her teddy bear and wouldn't let go.
"You'll have to leave that at home," her nanny said, as she shoved the little girl into her stroller.
"I want him to come," Bev said, tears rolling down her cheeks, her bottom lip quivering.
"You don't need him." The nanny grabbed the bear and tossed it onto the front steps as a black vehicle drove up.
Unbeknownst to her, the driver had the window down and had seen and heard all. He got out of the car - tall, slim, and smart in his chauffeur's uniform.
He pushed the nanny aside, whisked Bev out of the stroller and into his arms, sat her on the passenger seat, buckled her in with the shoulder strap behind her, rescued the bear, and drove off before the nanny realized what had happened.
He knew it would be a case of 'he said', 'she said', when he met with Lord Clarence, but he couldn't stand by and watch and hear any more.
Although Bev was a little afraid of this tall, black guy, she sensed his kindness and protection. He delivered Bev safely, along with her teddy bear, to the back door of the junior kindergarten program which was operated by her father's prestigious club.
James got back into the limousine and contemplated what would happen if he was fired. The more he thought about it, the more he believed it likely that he would be out of work. A shame. He liked Lord Clarence.
The Lord summoned him later.
Much to his surprise, he commended him and gave him a raise. Lord Clarence had suspected some shenanigans for some time, and had a microphone implanted in Bev's teddy bear.
Vicky Earle Copyright 2024
It's a Fluke Having a Bath!
He seems to like the suds. His groom looks after him well. Fluke's lucky to be part of the Banach Racing Stable.
Prized Spirit (Mimi) is on the right as the two horses come out of the turn (she's chestnut). She's nearly ready to do an official 'work' - she'll gallop a short distance and be timed by a Woodbine Clocker. That time will be part of her official racing record. Also, she must complete several good works in order to be permitted to race.
She's doing well so far with her preliminary training.
Thank you for reading my post.
Please share.
Mimi is a beauty!