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Dec 6, 20238 min read
'Tatters' and the Greatest Barn Cats!
'Tatters' is my latest story. Yes, it's another word challenge I wrote for an Uxbridge Writers' Circle meeting! The words we had to use...
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Jul 5, 20232 min read
Barn Cats and a Short Short Story!!
I'm excited to share another early review of Dying for Money: "I've read the first four books of this series and thoroughly enjoyed how...
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Feb 17, 20234 min read
'Smells' and the Barn Bosses!
This is the piece I wrote for the February meeting of the Uxbridge Writers' Circle. It's my word challenge story. The words I had to use...
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Jan 20, 20232 min read
'Cookies' and a Quiz!
I wrote this short story in ten minutes during the January meeting of the Uxbridge Writers' Circle. The challenge was to write a piece...
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Nov 30, 20225 min read
A Day in a Cat's Life; and a Concert!
This is Pepper. He was part of our family until 2017. I found this piece buried in a file. I don't know what inspired me to write it, but...
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Nov 21, 20223 min read
'Donut' and a New Dog!
This was the piece I wrote in ten minutes during the November meeting of the Uxbridge Writers' Circle. It was a time-limited challenge...
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Jul 7, 20225 min read
'Illegitimate' and Barn Cats
This story is one I wrote for an Uxbridge Writers' Circle word challenge a while ago. The words that had to be used are shown in italics....
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May 27, 20222 min read
Badger! And Uxbridge Tornado!
First, a short short story that I wrote for a ten-minute writing challenge during an Uxbridge Writers' Circle meeting. The 'prompt' for...
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Mar 20, 20224 min read
Do Not Give Up! And Another Cat Story.
While I confess to be poorly educated on Ukraine, what little I know, and continue to learn, about the people in the face of Russia's...
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Oct 28, 20211 min read
Phew! My Books Have Arrived!
Today was a good day - my books arrived in plenty of time for the launch/signing on November 27 at Blue Heron Books in Uxbridge, Ontario....
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